
Somedays I wonder if social media is worth having anymore. Facebook and Twitter to me have been nothing but a competition.

It’s not the sites themselves, it’s the people. Many people have said they wished they could of skipped their twenties and honestly it’s because of the pettiness in social media anymore. People are always trying to compete with each other . People have every right to post about all their great accomplishments in life. There is just one problem, people always want to see you do good but never better than them. Care, support, and love one another. We should all hope that everyone does better in this world.

People aren’t always the nicest on social media, posting who’s fat, who’s not, who’s ugly, who’s pretty. That person that you may be making fun of may have the biggest heart in the world. That person may have medical problems that make them look or act the way they do. Think before you talk because you never know someday what could happen.

Love like there is no tomorrow ❤️


Kisses, Vita

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