Old Friend

To the friend I thought was just like me. I thought we had so much in common. Loved shopping, venting to each other, and getting our daily Starbucks runs. I wanted to explore and do everything with you, including going to a different country together. Then I realized we were complete opposites because I love with all my heart and you dropped me like a hot brick.

To the friend who caused my anxiety and caused me to know what a mental break down is. I never knew what anxiety was until I was promised something wasn’t going to happen to me, that did happen. I was promised it would be a great vacation and I would be cared about, but truthfully everyone else cared except you. Until I realized this friendship was a one way street and you didn’t care about me like I cared about you. Little did you know while i heard you in the room next to me saying you didn’t care where I ate dinner the last night we were away I was having a panic attack on the other end of the door. I was trying so hard to make myself apart of a group that didn’t want me around.

As you say you know, Mental Abuse is no joke. I was mentally abuse by you. Not only did you drop me, but you made friends drop me also. I lost several “friends” from college because you were telling them things so for some reason they thought it was okay to make fun of me too. All the tweets about me, as I sat on the other side of my phone and cried about what you and another were writing. Caused me to have to get help because I never knew what it was like to have a panic attack so bad that I couldn’t breathe for almost 2 hours. You caused this. Worst thing i ever went through.

I texted you and thought everything was going to be okay between us, because i cared about our friendship. You were glaring at me in the airport. Your father stayed by me and made sure I was getting on the plane and your mother was sweet as pie, acting like nothing was wrong. As soon as I upgraded to first class I heard you screaming about me to your family. I got on the plane and cried the whole way home. I couldn’t believe that you were turning against me after coming all that way and caring so much about you. I wouldn’t just waste my graduation present on someone’s wedding if I didn’t care.

I tried to talk to you. Be nice on the text after you asked me what as going on, and I got no response. I think of you often. I even see your mother often. Sad knowing that I knew everything about you and now know nothing. Wishing that you would of gave me that meeting with you that I ask for to actually talk to you about my feelings in person but again you dropped me like a hot brick and didn’t respond. This is all i have to say in one big article because apart of getting over this abuse and healing I have to get it off my chest. Even if you want to continue to post things places, go ahead. Because this is me being done and over this completely.

Kisses, Vita.


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